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Potential new members are welcome to come and join in with our orchestra or just watch rehearsals.


We rehearse every Tuesday evening 7.30 - 9.30pm at the Central Methodist Hall, Coventry. This is a beautiful venue with staff who make us feel very welcome and has good links to both rail and bus services as well as a car park close by. 


Our repertoire is usually well-known light classical pieces together with marches, overtures and film pieces and we perform around five concerts per year to raise money for various charities. 


If you are interested in coming to a rehearsal, please have a look at the chart below and then contact

Current Vacancies

Classic Violin


1st Violin - 1 vacancy

2nd Violin - 1 vacancy

Viola - 4 vacancies

Cello - 2 vacancies

Double Bass - 2 vacancies



Clarinet - 1 vacancy



Horn - 1 vacancy

Trumpet - 2 vacancies

Trombone - 3 vacancies

Tuba - 1 vacancy




Percussion - 1 vacancy

(percussion equipment available)

Member Benefits

There are many benefits of being a member of our orchestra


  • Meet new people who share a love of making music 

  • Make music together in an ensemble 

  • Raise funds for a wide range of local charities and good causes 

  • Widen your repertoire to embrace new music and new styles 

  • Improve your playing in a supportive environment


Here is a testimonial one of our past members who has left us to take up a new job away from Coventry: 

"Tonight was probably my last rehearsal with the Co-op. I would like to say thank you for making this orchestra a friendly, welcoming and inclusive place to play music. When I joined I had not long taken up the cello again after about 10 years of not playing and I think the coop orchestra is a big reason why I'm still playing now and don't see myself giving up anytime in the foreseeable future. Orchestras can feel like judgemental places when you're starting out and don't feel like you belong. So please don't change as I wouldn't want other people to miss out on having the same opportunity I had to learn how enjoyable performing music as a group can be."



Running an orchestra has many costs and overheads:


  • A contribution of £3 is expected at each rehearsal attended, or a Standing Order of £10 per month.  Discounts are given for students in full time education, and for adults at the discretion of the committee. The contribution is towards orchestral expenses (such as conductor's fee, purchase or hire of music, Performing Rights fees, and insurance).  It also covers refreshments and a weekly raffle. 

  • Attendance at concerts performed in Coventry and around Warwickshire 

  • Members are requested to join the Heart of England Cooperative Society. The subscription is only £1 for life and includes discounts at the Heart of England Co-op stores.



©2021 by The Heart of England Cooperative Concert Orchestra. Proudly created with

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